We are excited and pleased to be interviewing you as part of Sisterhood Planet™ (“the Program”).
By signing this agreement, the undersigned guest ("guest") is consenting to grant Enlightened Alliances, LLC ("EA") hereunder all rights related to the recording and broadcast or other distribution of reproduction(s) of the Guest's voice, photograph, likeness and performance, as part as the Guest's participation in an audio or audiovisual Program produced by EA.
Guest waives their moral rights in audio, video, written, digital or any other form and any associated materials provided, for any purpose associated with the Program.
Guest hereby grants EA a non-exclusive license to any materials furnished by Guest (“Materials”) and EA shall have the right to use, exploit and distribute such Materials, throughout the universe, in perpetuity in and in connection with the Program.
EA confirms that Guest will maintain ownership rights of all copyrights in their own presentation and materials and that these will only be used as part of the Program unless Guest gives written permission for any additional use.
EA is the sole owner of all rights in and to the Program, and the recording(s) thereof as a Work Made For Hire within the meaning of the United States Copyright Act, for all purposes; and has the unfettered right, among other things, to distribute the Program one or more times by any medium or mode of transmission whatsoever, throughout the universe, in perpetuity.
However, EA hereby grants the Guest limited right or license to materials referenced herein, thus permitting Guest to share any and all media or materials related to Guest’s appearance on the Program on Guest’s personal and/or professional platforms, including, but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn (collectively, Guest’s Social Media Platforms).
In consideration of EA including Guest's presentation and materials in the Program, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Guest agrees to release and discharge EA, its principals, shareholders, directors, officers, employees, agents, successors, heirs, assigns, and affiliates of and from any and all liability, actions, causes of action, claims, demands, damages, proceedings, of any nature or kind howsoever arising out of or related to Guest's participation or in connection with the making, producing, reproducing, processing, exhibiting, distributing, distributing, publishing, transmitting by any means, or otherwise using the Program.
Guest acknowledges and agrees that EA is not liable for any losses or damages, whether direct, indirect, consequential, incidental or special, arising from the materials, the Program or Guest's participation therein.
Guest is at least eighteen years of age or older, is fully competent to execute this agreement, and no other agreements currently exist which would prevent Guest’s transferring these rights to EA or its successors and assigns.
The inclusion of Guest's presentation in the Program is at EA’s sole discretion. Nothing in the foregoing shall require that EA include Guest's presentation in the program.
Guest will receive no compensation for his/her appearances on and participation in the Program. In the event Guest shares materials related to their appearance on Guest’s Social Media Platforms, EA understands that EA will not receive any compensation for said usage or sharing whether monies by an individual, entity, or organization, are generated or not.
Guest hereby waives the opportunity or right to inspect or approve the content of the Program.
Guest’s name and likeness may be used in advertising and promotional material for the Program, but not as an endorsement of any other product or service.
Guest acknowledges that EA intends to rely on this release, and the grant of rights herein contained and shall incur significant costs in the production of the referenced work in reliance upon same.
Nothing contained in this Interview Release shall be construed to obligate EA to use or exploit any of the rights granted or acquired by EA, or to make, sell, license, distribute or otherwise exploit the Program or Materials whatsoever.