I created this worldwide community for women with the purpose of healing the world. Please read through our guidelines to assure a safe space and a positive experience for all.
We ask that you drop into your heart before every interaction, so your kindness can shine in your posts, comments, and shares. We know that our work in the world is an essential part of how we want to impact the planet, and we strive to support each other in this area, and all areas of our lives; however, we will designate specific spaces for you to share - this is not the sole purpose of our community.
Our members believe in and practice reciprocity. We encourage you to share love and light with your Global Sisters and feel free to request help, guidance, or advice. Our desire is to support each other in every area of our lives.
There is no room in Sisterhood Planet for content or conversation that is harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, invasive of another's privacy, discriminatory, hateful, or violent toward another member. If a member exhibits any of these behaviors, please email us immediately at support@sisterhoodplanet.com and we will look into the matter and take the appropriate actions.
Once you join Sisterhood Planet, you will receive specific information that will help you make the most of your membership and support others in doing the same.
We are so thrilled to have you join us!