Book Janet Bray Attwood
For Presentations
Janet’s presentations have rocked the world of audiences from Spain to Italy to India to Iceland to Sweden to the Netherlands to England and all over North America. From 90 minutes to 9 days, Janet will provide your participants with fun, interactive, highly engaging workshop style presentation’s. Your participants will walk away with a level of clarity about what they want in their life and their work that they have never had before.
Janet’s presentations are fun, engaging and very practical. Her keynotes exciting, story-laden workshops in which your participants will get right to discovering their own passions and putting the tools from The Passion Test process in action right away.
For more information on any of Janet’s presentations, please contact Wendy Marr +1 (800) 496-7833 or email
What do people say when they attend one of Janet’s presentations?
“Janet is one of the most engaging and mesmerizing speakers I’ve ever witnessed. Watching her captivate an audience is a one of a kind experience. She is so dynamic- she can get the audience roaring with laughter and she can bring them to tears with her impassioned talks. She brings such a remarkable energy to the room, and her love for people always leaves a profound impact.”
Ken Honda
Japan's best-selling author of self-development books, selling more than 7 million books since 2001.
“When I did the work with on discovering my passions with Janet, I wasn’t expecting that much to happen because I am already living my passion, teaching others how to become more successful. However, her powerful process took me to an even greater place where I realized I was not spending enough time with my family. That realization and the other work she did with me changed the way I lived my life this year.”
Jack Canfield
NY Times Bestselling Co/Author Chicken Soup for the Soul Series and featured teacher in The Secret
"The Passion Test made an amazing difference in my life. After completing it I was so clear on what I really wanted in my life. Since doing The Passion Test, I now live the life of my dreams.”
Rhonda Byrne
Executive Producer of The Secret
“The Passion Test certification course was extraordinary. I’ve taken (and delivered) many seminars and training programs over last 25 years, and this was at the top. The Passion Test is a simple, yet profound process for supporting people in living their dreams. Janet’s energy, clarity and enthusiasm are infectious. I highly recommend the certification program to anyone who is committed to living their own passions and to helping others discover theirs.”
Marci Shimoff
#1 NY Times bestselling Co-author, Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul, Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul, transformational teacher featured in The Secret
“Janet is a skilled and engaging speaker. She’s a master story teller and brings her audiences along every step of the way with her very interactive speaking style. I can listen to her all day – in fact I have!”
Ellen Rogin
NY Times Best Selling author of Picture Your Prosperity
“A leading expert on life purpose, Janet inspires the room and fills it with possibility, inspiration and heartfelt passion”
Dr. Sue Morter
Founder, Morter Institute for BioEnergetics, and author of The Energy Codes.
“I’ve shared the stage with Janet a number of times, and every time, she’s soulful, inspiring and rocks the room! “
Reverend Michael Beckwith
Founder, Agape Spiritual Center, and star of the movie and book, The Secret
“Janet Atwood as a presenter is the best.
No, seriously, top tier.
Yes, really, the best of the best. She’s authentic, masterful and deeply profound.“
Robert Allen
New York Times bestselling author, Nothing Down, Creating Wealth
“If you want a presenter who lights the room on fire, fills people with passion and delivers at a “10” then go see Janet!“
Natalie Ledwell
Best selling author, founder of Mind Movies
“What’s not to say about the imitable force of nature of Janet Attwood!!! She’ll make you laugh, cry, think deeply about your life and help you know yourself deeply.”
Dr. Gabriel Nossovitch
Latin America’s most renown transformational leader and serial entrepreneur
“Janet is an incredibly engaging, entertaining, passionate and rockstar presenter – she will have your participants laughing, crying, opening their hearts … and even better, she will wake them up to the truth of their lives so they can get out of their own way and create the next chapter of their dreams and desires“
Sage Lavine
#1 best-selling author of Women Rocking Business
“Janet is a wonderful presenter. Being in her presence as she shares her teaching is truly to be in the presence of humble greatness. She is warm, funny and insightful. Her knowledge and mastery of so many techniques and trainings seems to know no bounds, Janet has an incredible way of tuning into the energy of the moment and knowing exactly what story or technique needs to be shared to create optimal engagement and learning. I could talk about Janet all day but for me the most wonderful thing about having the opportunity to be in the space with Janet is the deep authentic love and care she has for everyone she comes into contact with.“
Natalie Alexia
Co-creator of the Superpower Summit
“As an event promoter and conference attendee for 30 years, I thought you were awesome when I saw you on stage in front of 1500 women. I realized you are a gifted Master Teacher and Keynote Presenter.”
Eileen Tanne
CEO – The Women’s Education Group, LLC
“Janet has a superb ability to inspire and engage any audience. She makes sure that you have total clarity on what makes your heart sing. Before I did the passion test with Janet, I was unsure as to what I was really passionate about and therefore not concentrating my efforts. Since doing the passion test with Janet, I now know what is it that will rock my world. Janet’s spirit, love, and unique ability translate into one very special gift to anyone fortunate enough to be near her, that gift is learning that your heart’s desire is right there for the taking!”
Marilyn Maxan
BBA. MBA. CFP. Vice President & Senior Financial Advisor – Assante Capital Management, Ltd.
“Janet Attwood absolutely rocks! Her heartfelt presentation was among the best I have ever seen! She was the best! What a pleasure to be with her”
Dr. Ted Morter, III
CEO Morter Health Service
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your presentation was so powerful and empowering. The effect of your passion touched the lives of everyone present in a way that will have ripple effects and transcending acts of kindness for all generations to come. Once again, thank you. I send you a world of love and more.”
Judy D. Cobb
Assistant Principal – Juvenile Justice Center School
“Doing The Passion Test with Janet Attwood opened my mind and clarified my focus in the most simple, honest and powerful way. Knowing your core passions and acting on them is essential to a fulfilled life.”
Ed Malloy
Mayor, City of Fairfield, Iowa
“If you want to go deep, feel your heart, and learn life changing knowledge, Janet Attwood will give you just that!”
Arjuna Ardagh
Founder, Awakening The Consciousness Within
“I couldn’t put it down. The story is so engaging, I almost forgot how much I wanted to take the test. Then, taking the test, I realized how valuable it was to hear Janet’s story and what she went through to get to the point she could live her passion.”
Yehuda Berg
The Kabbalah Center, author of The 72 Names of God, Power of Kabbalah, The Red String
“Everyone I’ve spoken to absolutely loved the morning program. These people mean so much to me as you can imagine…my passionaries! But they all have written glowing comments about the whole day, specifically sharing their love of your program. In addition to what you presented, it was also really important for our group to hear each other’s passions. While many know each other, many do not—and we all learned a lot from each other in that sharing.”
Barbara Metzler
Founder of The Farmer’s Wife, Inc. and author of The Passionarie
Janet’s Presentations
For more information on booking Janet please contact Wendy Marr at
What’s Passion Got To Do With It?!
The Passion Test helps individuals feel empowered when making decisions so that they can make choices based on what is most important to them. The clarity which results from taking The Passion Test allows people to discover and prioritize what matters most to them to live a successful, passion-filled life.
The Passion Test will help uncover the things in life that are most important. After completing The Passion Test process, direction, purpose and passion become everyday experiences. Developing the clarity to make decisions that lead to success is the result of taking The Passion Test.
In this Keynote session, your audience will;
- Experience how simple and powerful The Passion Test process can be
- Understand the Formula for Living A Passionate Life
- Learn why only 20% of the population are living a passionate life
- What the rich know about living a passionate life
- Find out what gets in the way of anyone living their passions and more…
The Passion Test
Based on Janet’s NY Times bestselling book, this simple powerful process consistently delights, inspires and ignites audiences to discover and live their passions, becoming fully engaged in their work and their life at the same time.
What you will learn:
- Clarify your top 5 passions
- Your Passion Score – How closely is your current life aligned with your passions?
- Your Markers – How do you know when you are really living your passions?
- Finding your core passions
- The three things that keeps anyone from living a passionate life
- The Secret for a passionate, happy and fulfilling life!
- Using The Passion Test to monetize your passions
Creating Enlightened Alliances
The art of getting anything you want, whenever you want, with the support of other people providing their time, energy, money and resources.
“I enrolled in Chris and Janet Attwood’s Alliance Secrets program when I was in pre-production for The Secret. I had determined that I would use The Secret to make The Secret… that’s to say I would attract all of the greatest minds to help me bring this over- whelming vision to the screen and to the world. And as all these wonderful people began to emerge, Alliance Secrets came to the fore, allowing me to create deep, rewarding, and mutually beneficial, long-term relationships with each and every one of them, that continue to this day.” ~Rhonda Byrne, Creator/Executive Producer.
In this presentation your audience will learn:
- Where to get started
- The 4-step process to attract your perfect partners
- 5 secrets for knowing who to partner with
- The 3 keys to successfully making the initial contact
- What you must do to get past the gatekeepers
- The common mistake most people make with their initial inquiry, how to make sure you never make it
- 3 secrets to gain your partner’s trust and gain their acceptance
- 7 questions you need to ask before signing on the dotted line
- The 4 key elements that must be part of any alliance agreement
- The critical thing you must do to maintain and grow your alliance relationships over time
Nature’s Guidance System
“I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in”. ~George Washington Carver
In this presentation your audience will:
- Learn what to do when obstacles appear in the pursuit of your passions?
- Learn how to remove those obstacles that may be preventing you (and others) from living a Passionate Life
- You’ll learn how to teach your clients a simple seven step process that utilizes their own internal guidance system to navigate through life with remarkable ease and grace
- You will also learn four questions to ask that make most obstacles dissolve into thin air!
Women of Passion, Power & Purpose
This seminar is a rare opportunity for women to experience their personal power, and to practice using it in a way that creates harmony and joy for themselves and everyone in their life.
Janet Attwood has attracted some of the most famous and successful people in the world. People like: Reverend Michael Beckwith, star of the movie, The Secret and Director/Founder of Agape International Spiritual Center; Byron Katie, NY Times Bestselling author of Loving What Is and the creator of The Work; Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield, co-creators of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series; Dr. Pankaj Naram, renowned Ayurvedic physician; T. Harv Eker, multi-millionaire and one of the world's top trainers' that Dr. Mansukh Patel, called “the young Gandhi” for his work in promoting peace... and the list goes on.
Janet will take you through some of the powerful tools you can use to create the life you dream of having.
In this presentation your audience will:
- Discover Your Passion-Getting to the “real” You!
- Understand the real meaning of “Self Love”
- Learn tools, tips, and strategies to love yourself more
- Create Your Personal “Power Goddess” statement
- Undo Your Limiting Beliefs
- Communicate with Ease and Grace
- Create Your Goddess Dream Team
- Develop Your Network of Influence and Power
- Attract Your Ideal Mate
Secret of the Masters
“Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.” – Napoleon Hill
In this presentation your audience will:
- Deliver on your commitments to your self
- Put a positive charge in your team
- Harness an unlimited source of energy and group synergism.
- Build supportive and competent relationships
- Go beyond goal setting to goal GETTING.
- Turn stumbling blocks into stepping-stones for success.
- Tap the true source of the group – collective consciousness
- Develop an unflappable belief in yourself
The Passion Test for Business
Janet works with individuals and companies alike
Training benefits for Employers:
- Opportunity to provide goodwill to transitioning employees
- Offering continued support to move powerfully to the next step of life
- Employees are less likely to draw unemployment
- Unemployment duration is minimized
Benefits to Displaced Employees:
- Increase potential for success
- Increased clarity about career and employment direction
- Expand awareness of possibilities and opportunities
- Increase focus on satisfaction and fulfillment.
Just as every individual has unique talents, interests and a life purpose; every business provides a unique value to its customers and to the world. That unique value is the company’s purpose for being.
In this presentation your audience will learn:
- The formula for a passionate business and passionate employees
- The Secret to having a passionate business/career
- How to undo limiting beliefs so that employees take full responsibility for their jobs
- Employee engagement – why it’s important and how passion fits in
- Inclusion and diversity – why business is focused on these and how passion relates
Facilitated together with my senior master trainers.
Being Strategic to Monetize Your Passions
Use the Strategic Attraction Process to attract your perfect client – mate/customer/ business partner – etc….
The Strategic Attraction Process is a tool that will transform you (or your business) into a powerful magnet for attracting your perfect customers, partners, and employees.
In this presentation your audience will:
- Gain greater clarity about what your perfect relationship looks like
- Become an attraction magnet for attracting your ideal mate
- Open yourself to more opportunities for attracting what you desire and deserve!
- Change your results by harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction
The power of attraction in business is a powerful concept that anyone can use to grow faster and with greater predictability.
Undo Limiting Beliefs with The Work of Byron Katie
This simple yet powerful process of inquiry teaches you how to identify and question thoughts that cause suffering in the world. Learn how to understand what’s really hurting you and address problems with clarity and understanding.
In this presentation your audience will:
- Find resolution, and even happiness, in situations that were once debilitating
- Learn how to live with less anxiety and fear
- Experience a deeper connection with the most important people in your life including yourself
- Understand what makes you angry or resentful and learn to become less reactive
- Live and work more intelligently, effectively and with more integrity
- Experience a new sense of vigor and well being
What do people say who have been coached by Janet?
"If you want to break free of false limitations and illusions you have made yourself believe; of your self and others …. then one of the best favors you can do yourself is receive coaching from Janet Attwood. Janet is so connected to “Truth” that she has the natural ability to laser focus on the most critical threads of falsehood that will begin to unravel the veil you are hiding behind. Her kindness and love will simply not stand for you to stay in hiding. She is gifted with the ability of truth seer and when she focuses her attention on you, she will see all the ways you are limiting yourself, hiding yourself or making yourself small. So if you are ready to show up in the truth of you and you want results to show up in a hurry, I can’t recommend another coach highly enough than Janet Attwood. Her loving coaching will transform you.“
Eram Saeed
Host & Founder global telesummit From Heartache To Joy
Katie Chalcraft
Serial Entrepreneur and Certified Passion Test Facilitator
“I want to tell you that You were the most important person to me in 2018! You changed everything. You helped me to change! I am so so thankful that I met you, That you asked me to be part on your course two times! That you gave me opportunity to assist you! I am thankful for your love to me! I am thankful that you want to help me! I am thankful for your kind heart and wisdom! I am thankful for your time! You are so amazing! I am so blessed to have you in my life! You have taught me so so so much! I am changed so much because of you! I am so thankful to my self that I allowed me to be part of this! I love you so so much! You helped me to find a way how to help others.”
Katre Kulbok
Serial Entrepreneur
To get the feel of Janet’s magic – please watch these videos
Play Video
Giving away my last $13
Sometimes you need to set up circumstances for yourself, so you can trust and experience that you are being taken care of!
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How to get any other person’s attention
So if you have some famous person that you want to get a hold of, then here’s the secret to creating what we call “Enlightened Alliances”.
Play Video
How I got the house of my dreams, twice!
Remember – What you put your attention on, grows stronger! You are powerful. So play with that, and see what you can manifest in your life!
Play Video
How To Avoid Burning Out
This is the way to do less, accomplish more, enjoy your life, and keep yourself really centered, so that you can go out and give your gifts to the world!
Play Video
How to know if you’re living your passionate life
“The Passion Test” is about getting quiet inside so that you can listen to that voice that is always speaking to you. If we’re quiet we can hear it.
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