Sandra Yancey is the CEO and Founder of eWomenNetwork.  Her company is a multimillion-dollar enterprise with over 500,000 women connected through 118 chapters spread across North America, Australia and the United Kingdom.

eWomenNetwork produces over 1,500 women’s business events each year and the largest multi-day International Women’s Business Conference of its kind in North America annually.

In addition to authoring 6 best-selling books on business, Sandra is an award-winning entrepreneur and is recognized by the International Alliance for Women as one of the world’s 100 Top Difference Makers and by CNN as an “American Hero”.

Additionally, Sandra has been featured on the Emmy award-winning TV show “The Doctors” to help transform the Mind, Body & Spirit of its viewers.

The eWomenNetwork Foundation she created has, to date, awarded cash grants to 124 non-profit organizations and scholarships to 191 emerging female leaders of tomorrow.