Clinical pharmacist working in the NHS, qualified Ayurvedic Consultant and Yoga Teacher, High Performance Coach and qualified fitness instructor. Founder of TOGA fitness and health. 

Radha has worked for over a decade in health and fitness, working as a personal coach and trainer as well as presenting and teaching on stages around the world. Her day to day work involves optimizing healthcare in the NHS and working in a multidisciplinary team to improve the wellbeing of our patients. She is a tutor on both the Dru Yoga Teacher Training courses and the Ayurvedic Health Coach Diploma courses as well as appearing as a key note speaker on the topics of both mental and physical health. She has always had a keen interest in the interplay between our neurobiology and physiology and is constantly searching for new and innovative ways to help her clients and patients alike.  

Her goal is to support others in unmoving their own highest potential in both health and business. She brings together her knowledge of ancient practices with cutting edge modern science, supporting a holistic and unique design for an extraordinary life.
